Testimonials / Clients


Hundreds of clients see DeDuCo as a reliable partner!

Take a look at what our customers have to say about SALESforce+ and our other products.
These testimonials count for you as a guarantee of our quality!

Logo of client Metagenics


User-friendly and flexible CRM package that simplifies the work of the sales team. Smooth order system, possibility of reports, marketing questions, event requests,… We have been using SALESforce+ for several years now and for both the sales team and the back office it is a handy, comprehensive tool full of data.  The biggest advantage is that there is always room for personalisation. A solution to specific questions, needs or problems is sought quickly and efficiently. In this way, the programme grows optimally with the company. There is always excellent support and input from the Project Manager and the team during the start-up phase, as well as in the support afterwards and during the implementation of new functionalities.

Kaat Vandecasteele

Sales Support Belux Medicals – Executive Assistant to Sales Director

Click on this link and visit the website of Metagenics.