Testimonials / Clients


Hundreds of clients see DeDuCo as a reliable partner!

Take a look at what our customers have to say about SALESforce+ and our other products.
These testimonials count for you as a guarantee of our quality!


P&B Group

Convenient tool that allows us to monitor the Field every day
Superb that you can pull some reports directly from SF+ such as Stock, Assortment, Planning, … Very useful reports that you can obtain in a fast way.
Of course the application in combination with QLIK is a huge asset.
Our sales team has with 1 application, which is managed centrally, everything at their fingertips:
Assortment of the customer
Pricing in distribution
Introducing new products

When visiting a client of a colleague, all information is available.
Making orders is a piece of cake with 2 actions. The targets and realisations to be achieved are easily available to everyone on the team.
We regularly find new tools to help our sales team move forward.

To put it briefly, we are big fans of the system.

Yves Delafonteyne
Field Manager

Click on this link and visit the website of P&B Group.